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Monstermax gets SUPER-DUALS (Atlantic Ocean Prep)
this is half of monster max gets super duals Atlantic Ocean
Monstermax Drives in the Ocean (Police, Coast Guard, EPA, DNR Called)
Monstermax Grenades Climbing a 200ft Dune
The Fastest Way to Lose a $170K Monstertruck
Monstermax breaks a giant axle (the most stuck I've ever been)
Introducing Monstermax 2. The Worlds Largest Truck (Twin Engine Duramax)
Extreme Gooseneck offroading 2
Unbelievable Monstermax Drives in the Ocean (Police, Coast Guard, EPA, DNR Called)😱☠️
MONSTERMAX 2 Initial Testing + Trial Update
WhistlinDiesel takes MonsterMax in the Ocean